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What You Should Know Before You Get a Hip Replacement

Dr Frischs

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What You Should Know Before You Get a Hip Replacement
What You Should Know Before You Get a Hip Replacement

Over 300,000 hip replacements are performed every year in the US helping patients return to their active lifestyles with less pain and better function. If you find it difficult to perform routine activities due to a debilitating hip condition, then a hip replacement is certainly an option worth your consideration. Here are some facts that you may not know about hip replacement:



A hip replacement can help avoid years of excruciating pain & disability





Some people wait until the pain is unbearable before undergoing a hip replacement, but once they have recovered from the procedure, many wish they hadn’t waited so long before getting their defective hip replaced.  There are several different things you can do to improve your symptoms prior to considering surgery, including modifying your activity, taking certain medications or considering injections.  When you continue to have pain and functional limitations on a daily basis, such that you are no longer doing the things you enjoy doing, it is probably time to have a discussion about joint replacement.





A hip replacement is not just for the elderly





While it is true that age-related wear and tear of the hip will certainly increase the likelihood of requiring a hip replacement in old age, young people in their 20s and 30s suffering from conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteonecrosis (death of bone), or traumatic injuries may benefit from the procedure as well.  As surgical techniques and implant technology continues to evolve, there has been an increasing number of patients electing to undergo joint replacement at an earlier age.  This is also likely attributed to the fact that older people want to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.





You will be encouraged to start putting weight on the hip on the same day as the procedure





Following the surgery, you may be required to spend an hour or two in the recovery room, but after that you will have to get on your feet and into physical therapy. Staying active after surgery is important to reduce complications and improve hip function.





Understand the expectations for recovery





The time required to make a full recovery will vary from patient to patient and will be discussed by your surgeon. In general, however, you should expect to have improved hip mobility and function within 4-6weeks after hip replacement.





There are some activity modifications after hip replacement





Following hip replacement, you will be able to return to most routine activities and low-impact sports with much less pain and improved mobility. However, high-impact activities should be approached conservatively. Brisk walking, cycling, or swimming are all great ways to keep your new hip in good condition.  Overall, the goal is to get you back to a healthy and active lifestyle.





Dr. Nicholas Frisch has undergone advanced fellowship training in hip replacement and will be happy to discuss the pros and cons of all treatment options available to help you make an informed decision regarding your care.



Credibility Links

  • American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
  • American Medical Association
  • American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons
  • Mid-America Orthopaedic Association
  • Michigan Institute for Advanced Surgery Center
  • FAAOS Logo